Villagers Revive Kere habba, a lake festival, after 40 years
By Salahuddin Saiphy and Subhashini G. Kere Habba (lake festival), is usually an annual celebration of traditional tanks in Karnataka. The festivities mark the importance of lakes. However, the celebrations have long been forgotten in many villages. However, this year brought renewed hope as tanks were brought back to life. Read more . . .
S M Sehgal Foundation received the FICCI Sustainable Agriculture Award 2021 (2nd place) in the category Climate Resilient Agriculture Development, in an event held at FICCI House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi. Ms Anjali Godyal, chief development officer and Ms Pooja O. Murada, principal lead, Outreach for Development, Sehgal Foundation, accepted the award.
Latest at Sehgal Foundation
Staff felicitation Sehgal Foundation has always stood for a people-centric culture with the belief that people are the biggest asset of any organization. The Sehgal Foundation team honored staff members completing 10 and 20 years of service in the organization by handing them a token of appreciation and a citation for their contributions to the organization. Nine members were felicitated in a celebration held on Nov 3, 2021.
Presentation at the 9th National CSR Summit The 9th National CSR Summit 2021, was organized by Shikhar NGO in association with United Nations Global Compact Network, India, and knowledge partner, Delhi Skill Entrepreneurship University, Govt. of NCT, Delhi. Sehgal Foundation COO, Ms Anjali Makhija, spoke at the panel Challenges of Gender inclusion in Rural and Urban India, held Nov 13, 2021, at the India International Center.
Transform Lives one school at a time Annual Fundraiser
Sehgal Foundation conducted its Annual Fundraiser virtually on Nov 13, 2021, for the Transform Lives program. The event featured schoolgirls in conversation with a donor partner, sharing the impact of transformed schools on their education and life goals. A Back to School video shared how local teams worked year-round during lockdown to make the schools ready to welcome back the children.
Project inauguration Sehgal Foundation conducted an inauguration event for Project Pragati supported by Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. on Oct 27, 2021. During the event, a drainage system constructed in the village was inaugurated, which will help keep surroundings clean. Super seeder machines were handed over to enterprising farmers for crop residue management at Chunni Kalan village, Fatehgarh Sahib district, Punjab. These machines will also be rented out by enterprising farmers to other farmers at a subsidized rate, which will lead to reduction of stubble burning issues in the village and help the enterprising farmers earn additional income.
Recognition on National Journalism Day Marking the National Journalism Day, Nov 16, the GD Goenka University School of Communication bestowed the Annual Media Awards to individuals in print, electronic, and broadcast media on Nov 17, 2021. Sehgal Foundation's principal lead, Outreach for Development, Ms Pooja O Murada, received the award in broadcast category for her work in the community radio field. Alfaz-e-Mewat, an initiative of Sehgal Foundation, has been providing a platform to local voices in Nuh district since 2012.
Water Knowledge Exchange HWTS Network India, jointly supported by S M Sehgal Foundation and CAWST, organized a two-day Water Knowledge Exchange on Microbial Contamination: Issues and Solutions from Nov 18–19, 2021. Dr Rajshree Patil from Imago Getter was the expert cofacilitated by Lalit Sharma from Sehgal Foundation. Ms Anjali Makhija, COO, Sehgal Foundation, gave the keynote address.
Day one focused on water cycles and contamination, diseases causing microbes, and a history of water contamination and linkage with waterborne diseases. Day two discussed drinking water standards, bacteria indicators, and detection and solutions for microbial contamination.
16th National Convention organized by Global Compact Network India (GCNI) on the theme of 'Target 2030: Assess, Act, Accelerate'
Dates: 15th-16th December 2021 Register Now
SMSF Connect Podcast features a bouquet of interesting programs about rural development and other social issues and themes. TUNE IN to our podcast channel on I-RadioLive. Podcasts also available on Spotify
Sehgal Foundation invites interns to join us in promoting rural development by sharing their skills and experience for empowering people in rural areas. We are currently accepting select virtual internships due to COVID-19. See the list of projects available for virtual internships. Also see a video tutorial on Internships at Sehgal Foundation.
Editorial Team: Arti Manchanda Grover, Marly Cornell, Pooja O. Murada Contributors: Salahuddin Saiphy and Subhashini G.
Photo Credits: Sehgal Foundation staff Design and Production: Outreach for Development team